The Level
The village is far from the governorate center 18 km south west of Jenin city.
Level average : 410
Land Title
4704 acres belong to Palestinians
Nothing belong to Zionists
36 Acres public property
Land Utilization in 1945
Type of planted area Number of Acres
Planted with irrigated farms 958
Planted with olive trees 1170
Planted with grains 2110
Constructed 16
Good for farming 3068
Wasteland 1656
Total : 4740 Acres
Number Of Population:
In the year 1922 537 citizens
In the year 1931 642 citizens
In the year 1945 880 citizens
In the year 1961 1011 citizens
In the year 1982 807 citizens
In the year 1987 1300 citizens
In the year 2007 2063 citizens